Establishing A Strong Defense Against Prostitution Charges
Prostitution is the exchange of sexual services for money. You may also be arrested and charged with prostitution if you arrange for others to engage in sexual behavior for money. In addition, it is illegal to operate an establishment that people frequent to pay for sexual services. The punishments for prostitution offenses range from probation to several years in state prison depending on the circumstances of your case.
If you have been charged with a prostitution offense or other sex crime, immediately contact me, former prosecutor Justin Caldarone, of The Caldarone Law Group, P.A., for a free consultation to protect your liberty and good name. Call 239-420-7205 or email my office.
Maintaining House Of Prostitution
To prove the crime of Maintaining House of Prostitution, the State Attorney must prove the following element:
The person charged kept, set up, maintained or operated any place, structure, building or conveyance for the purpose of lewdness, assignation or prostitution.
“Prostitution” is the giving or receiving of the body for sexual intercourse for hire, which includes the giving and receiving of the body for licentious sexual intercourse without hire.
“Lewdness” is any indecent or obscene act. The words “lewd,” “lascivious” or “indecent” mean the same thing and mean a wicked, lustful, unchaste, licentious or sensual intention on the part of the person doing the act.
“Lewdness” is the unlawful indulgence of lust signifying that form of immorality which has a relation to sexual impurity. It is generally used to indicate gross indecency with respect to sexual relations.
Fla. Stat. § 796.07(2)a
Soliciting For The Purpose Of Prostitution
To prove the crime of Soliciting for the Purpose of Prostitution, the State Attorney must prove the following element:
The person charged offered or offered to secure or agreed to secure another person for the purpose of prostitution or any lewd or indecent act.
“Prostitution” is the giving or receiving of the body for sexual intercourse for hire, which includes the giving and receiving of the body for licentious sexual intercourse without hire.
“Lewdness” is any indecent or obscene act. The words “lewd,” “lascivious” or “indecent” mean the same thing and mean a wicked, lustful, unchaste, licentious or sensual intention on the part of the person doing the act.
“Lewdness” is the unlawful indulgence of lust signifying that form of immorality which has a relation to sexual impurity. It is generally used to indicate gross indecency with respect to sexual relations.
“Lewd, lascivious and indecent” are synonyms and connote wicked, lustful, unchaste, licentious or sensual design on the part of the perpetrator. “Lewd and lascivious” mean an unlawful indulgence in lust, eager for sexual indulgence.
It is not necessary that such act defined as lewd be committed in a public place or in the presence of many people. It is sufficient if it is an intentional act of lewdness, offensive to one or more persons present.
Fla. Stat. § 796.07(2)b
To prove the crime of Prostitution, the State Attorney must prove the following element:
The person charged offered to commit, or did commit or engage in prostitution or lewdness or assignation.
“Prostitution” is the giving or receiving of the body for sexual intercourse for hire, which includes the giving and receiving of the body for licentious sexual intercourse without hire.
“Lewdness” is any indecent or obscene act. The words “lewd,” “lascivious” or “indecent” mean the same thing and mean a wicked, lustful, unchaste, licentious or sensual intention on the part of the person doing the act.
“Lewdness” is the unlawful indulgence of lust signifying that form of immorality which has a relation to sexual impurity. It is generally used to indicate gross indecency with respect to sexual relations.
“Assignation” includes the making of any appointment or engagement for prostitution or lewdness or any act in furtherance of such appointment or engagement.
Fla. Stat. § 796.07(3)a