Drug Possession Charges Can Have Serious Consequences
Arrests for drug possession are not to be taken lightly. Even convictions for simple drug possession can involve life-changing penalties like the suspension of your driving privileges. An experienced criminal law attorney can resolve a drug possession matter with insightful efficiency.
The Caldarone Law Group, P.A., is a Naples law firm devoted to representing clients for drug possession matters in Naples, Florida, and surrounding areas in Collier County and Lee County.
Early Action Is Critical For Your Defense
Just as with charges of drug trafficking, drug possession charges are more effectively resolved through legal intervention early in the process. Often, it is vital to involve a capable lawyer from the beginning of the issue to form a thorough defense. Contact me, attorney Justin P. Caldarone, to discuss your case at 239-420-7205.
A careful review of all facts forms a legal defense strategy that protects clients’ rights. For example, the method used for search and seizure of evidence can be a form of technical defense used in a motion to suppress drug evidence. In some cases, this can lead to charges being dropped completely.
With the potential repercussions so vast, knowledgeable representation is required to effectively resolve any drug possession matter. As a seasoned lawyer, I am not afraid to take an aggressive approach for a case and fight to attain justice. For cases involving the possession of marijuana, heroin, cocaine, Ecstasy and other controlled substances, confident representation ensures the matter will be resolved with the utmost efficiency and effectiveness.
A No-Cost Case Review Is Your Next Best Step
If you are charged with drug possession, contact me, lawyer Justin P. Caldarone. Call 239-420-7205 or send an email to schedule a free initial consultation to assess your situation and identify viable options.