Facing drug charges can be a confusing and stressful experience. Whether personally dealing with these issues or supporting a loved one, understanding the difference and the penalties can help you make informed decisions. Drug possession vs drug trafficking Drug...
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Naples, Florida
Drug Charges
How can drug charges affect your driving privileges?
Drug charges often carry stiff penalties, including jail time, fines and a criminal record. What most people do not realize is that they can also have far-reaching and disruptive consequences for driving privileges. In fact, they can result in the suspension or...
Everyone should know about Florida’s Good Samaritan overdose law
It can be terrifying to witness someone suffering what appears to be a drug overdose. This situation can be even more frightening if you’re in possession of illegal drugs while it’s unfolding. Unfortunately, that fear has caused too many people to panic and run from...
Florida’s cocaine laws and possible defenses to a charge
If you face cocaine charges in Florida, it can turn your life upside down. Depending upon the type of drug, possessing even small quantities could carry severe consequences. These are Florida’s cocaine laws and what to expect if you’re arrested. Cocaine possession...
How the legal system is responding to the influx of xylazine
Florida and other states are battling a drug epidemic. Most people have heard of drugs like marijuana, cocaine and methamphetamines, to name a few. However, a relatively new player, xylazine, is adding a new challenge for the legal system and law enforcement. What is...
A felony drug conviction could lead to public benefits ban
Despite the documented failure of the "War on Drugs", many states, including Florida, continue to impose restrictions on eligibility for public benefits on those who have felony drug convictions. Research has demonstrated these restrictions or bans do little to...
Drug distribution laws in Florida
Florida law prohibits anyone from selling, manufacturing, delivering or possessing a controlled substance. It is also unlawful to possess a controlled substance with the intent to commit any of the offenses above. Under Section 893.13(7)(a) of the Florida Statutes,...
Rehab after DUI: Is it necessary?
Drinking under the influence (DUI) in Florida is a serious offense with legal consequences. In most jurisdictions, those found guilty of DUI face fines, suspension of their license, and even jail time in some cases. Additionally, many courts order individuals...
Can roadside drug tests provide consistently reliable evidence?
In Florida, law enforcement officers use roadside drug tests to make arrests or support convictions. These tests have come under scrutiny due to claims of unreliability and flaws built into how the tests work. These field test kits often provide the primary evidence...
What happens if you violate your court-ordered rehab?
Going to rehab in Florida is not always a voluntary action. If you have committed offenses related to drugs, you may be ordered by a court to attend a program. Should this occur, you will have no choice but to obey the order. Failure to do so, or to satisfy all the...