In Florida, drivers can get a learner’s permit at 15, a restricted license at 16 and a full driver’s license at 18. Florida’s Graduated Driver Licensing laws help young drivers gradually accumulate vital driving experience while avoiding unnecessary accidents. After receiving their driver’s license, however, Floridians never have to take compulsory driver retraining classes, potentially leading drivers to forget laws and drive carelessly.
The benefits of compulsory driver retraining courses
No matter how much training a state requires drivers to go through, car accidents will always happen to some degree. Some people feel that mandated retraining classes and tests would improve roadway safety for everyone.
In addition to saving lives, compulsory driver retraining could reduce the prevalence of all types of auto accidents, reduce auto insurance rates and keep people healthier by avoiding accident-related injuries.
Although the Sunshine State doesn’t require all drivers to undergo driving courses, the state recognizes a handful of driving classes. Depending on the circumstances, the state of Florida may require these courses or offer benefits in exchange for taking them.
Wireless Communications Device course
Like in many other states, Florida doesn’t allow drivers to use handheld devices in work or school zones. Rather than potentially having to pay fines and accumulate points against your driver’s license for being caught doing this, you could take the Wireless Communications Device course to nullify the citation. Although this option is available for first-time offenders, second-time offenders must take another course to prevent driver’s license point assessment.
Basic Driver Improvement course
You can take a BDI course to protect your license from point assessment after receiving a noncriminal moving violation. If you choose to take the course, you must elect to attend it within a month of receiving the citation. Failing to do so makes you ineligible to attend a BDI course to prevent point assessment.
Florida formally recognizes multiple types of driving courses. Although the state mandates some and makes others voluntary, learning about them could protect you from unwanted legal outcomes, lower your insurance bills and help keep the roads safer. If you do get involved in an accident, an attorney may help you understand what to do next.