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Naples, Florida

How can drug charges affect my housing options?

Drug charges do not just bring potential jail time and fines. They can also dramatically reshape your life, including where you can live. Drug charges can undermine housing options, affecting rental applications and mortgage approvals.

The impact on your living situation can be harsh

The Fair Housing Act protects against discrimination. It does not, however, cover criminal history. This means drug charges can severely limit your future housing options in several ways:

  • Rental applications: Many landlords conduct background checks and may reject applicants with drug-related convictions.
  • Public housing: Federal law allows public housing authorities to deny applicants with drug convictions.
  • Mortgage applications: Some lenders may consider drug charges as a risk factor when evaluating loan applications.
  • College dormitories: Universities often have strict policies against students with drug convictions living on campus.
  • Halfway houses: Some transitional housing programs may not accept individuals with certain types of drug charges.

If you currently rent your home, your lease may include a clause about criminal activity. Drug charges can lead to eviction, and landlords often have the right to terminate the lease if a tenant faces such charges.

In Florida, even minor offenses can lead to significant penalties. For example, possession of small amounts of marijuana can result in a misdemeanor charge, which may appear on background checks for years.

Florida’s “drug-free zone” laws also play a role. These laws enhance penalties for drug offenses committed near schools, parks or public housing. If charged with a drug offense in these areas, you might encounter additional restrictions on where you can live.

Defending yourself from drug charges

Your future housing stability may depend on how you manage your current legal situation. This often means securing experienced representation first and foremost upon receiving drug charges. A Florida criminal defense attorney can work tirelessly to minimize the consequences of the charge or even push for its dismissal altogether.

