In far too many cases, people are seriously injured in Florida accidents that are caused by drunk drivers. Each year, over 10,000 people lose their lives nationwide in accidents linked to drunk driving as well. While drunk driving crashes have gone down in the past decade, one person continues to be injured once every two minutes across the country due to driving under the influence.
Drunk driving: A persistent danger
Every year, the total cost of damages linked to alcohol-related accidents exceeds $44 billion, with property damage, medical bills, insurance costs and taxes included. Drunk driving is implicated in one-third of all fatal accidents in the U.S. In addition, driving under the influence is not limited only to alcohol. While the effects of alcohol on a driver may be particularly well-studied and understood, other substances can also affect a driver’s judgment. For example, one-eighth of all drivers at night and on the weekend admit to having consumed cannabis shortly before driving.
Particular dangers for youths
Drunk driving can be particularly dangerous for young motorists. Inexperienced teen drivers are already less familiar with the rules of the road and more likely to be involved in motor vehicle accidents. Car crashes are the major cause of death among teenagers, and around one-fourth involve someone driving under the influence. In many cases, teens may ride with friends who have been drinking and are unable to remain in control on the road safely. The highest percentage of drunk drivers, however, are between the ages of 21 and 24.
Drunk driving crashes can be fatal, but in many other cases, accident victims may sustain life-changing injuries and accumulate significant medical bills, lost wages and other costs as a result. Efforts to reduce drunk driving can help to cut down on these individual damages and significant social costs.