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Who is to blame for your injuries from a fall on a sidewalk?

On Behalf of | Mar 19, 2021 | Injuries

When you are walking down the sidewalk on your way to work, school or other destination, you probably don’t consider this to be a risky activity. However, there are certain things that could put you at risk, even when you are doing something as simple as traveling down a sidewalk. In the event of a sidewalk slip-and-fall accident, you could be left with serious and painful injuries.

If you suffered injuries in this type of incident, who is to blame? Is it possible a specific person or party is responsible for what happened to you, and could you have grounds to move forward with a civil claim? Some victims of these types of slip-and-fall accidents may be the victims of negligent maintenance and other factors beyond their control. If you fell, it may be useful for you to explore the legal options available to you.

Responsibility for sidewalks

A sidewalk slip-and-fall accident is more than just bad luck. Some of these falls can be quite severe, leaving victims with injuries and damage that can affect their lives in many ways. Consider the following facts about sidewalk falls and responsibility for sidewalk conditions:

  • A Florida city or local municipality is responsible for keeping sidewalks in good condition and removing hazards that could cause harm.
  • If the sidewalk is on privately owned property, the owner could be liable for accidents and injuries that happen on the premises.
  • Property owners have a certain responsibility to know about hazards on their property and remove them in a timely manner.

It is possible multiple parties could be responsible for what happened to you. A careful and thorough evaluation of your case may help you understand whether you have grounds to pursue recompense through a lawsuit and who is liable for your pain and suffering.

You don’t have to stay silent

Victims of slip-and-fall accidents may feel embarrassed by what they experienced, and they may assume their accident was the result of their own clumsiness. Instead of making assumptions about your case, it may benefit you to explore your legal options as soon as possible after your accident. If you have grounds to pursue recompense, there is significant benefit in moving quickly to secure the documentation and evidence that could support your claim.

