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Naples, Florida

East Manatee County collision claims man’s life

On Behalf of | Oct 8, 2019 | Car Accidents

If asked, most in Naples would likely say that their greatest tool at avoiding auto accidents is their own strong driving skills. Indeed, there is something to be said about the effectiveness of smart, defensive driving in avoiding collisions with others. At the same time, however, one cannot account for another’s reckless, negligent or irresponsible actions. Sadly, people can easily become victims to such actions, suffering devastating injuries that leave them and/or their families having to deal with potentially massive emotional and financial losses.

This fact was on full display in an accident that recently occurred in East Manatee County. A Lakewood Ranch man was traveling along a local road when, upon entering into an intersection, his vehicle was hit on the right side by a truck. The impact occurred with such force that it caused both vehicles to drift into intersecting lanes of traffic, where they both struck a third vehicle. The accident remains under investigation and authorities have yet to report why the driver of the truck hit the man’s vehicle. The driver of the truck escaped the accident unharmed, while the occupant of third vehicle involved suffered minor injuries. Unfortunately, the Lakewood Ranch man was killed in the collision.

The unexpected loss of a loved one in a car accident can send a family reeling. Their suffering no doubt comes not just from the emotional loss that they suffer, but also from the financial support they may have relied upon the decedent to provide. In such situations, compensation through legal action may be the only way in which they can effectively cope with. Their ordeal. Those needing to initiate such action may want to first secure the services of an experienced attorney.

