When you purchase something from the store, you probably assume it will be safe for your use or for use by your children. Whether it is a food product, medication, toy or something else, most people believe that the things they buy will not cause them harm. However, Florida consumers suffer injuries and become ill due to dangerous consumer products all the time.
It may come as a shock to you to discover that what you have been buying, eating or using has been causing you harm. You may be unsure of what to do or how you should proceed. Who is responsible for dangerous consumer products? Is it ever possible to hold liable parties accountable for the harm you suffered? Through a products liability claim, you can stand up for your rights as an injured consumer.
Find out who is to blame
It is not always easy to determine which party may be to blame for the suffering you experienced from a dangerous, ineffective, defective or faulty product. Most of the time, many different parties handle part or all of a product before it ever makes it to the shelf. It takes an in-depth look into the product, where the component parts came from, who designed the product and the assembly procedures to determine what happened.
Hazards with consumer products often take place in the design stage, the manufacturing process or in the labeling of the final product. The most common defects are as follows:
- Defects in the product’s design – When the product design is poor or completed by someone with no experience, the final product may not work or actually be hazardous to users.
- Defects in manufacturing – Improper manufacturing practices, such as taking shortcuts or using faulty parts, can ultimately result in products that do not actually work. They can also be dangerous.
- Defects in warning and labeling – Companies are responsible for ensuring that their products have all necessary instructions for use and warnings about potential side effects, improper use and more.
If you are not sure of how or why a consumer product caused you harm, you do not have to walk through the aftermath alone. A complete evaluation of your case can help you understand what happened and understand the most appropriate course of action for you.
There are legal remedies available to victims of dangerous consumer products, including a specific type of civil claim. Through a products liability lawsuit, an injured consumer may be able to claim compensation for financial losses and other damages.