Distracted driving is a serious problem in Florida, yet lawmakers have struggled to pass legislation designed to fight the issue. Previous measures have failed, but there are new proposed bills that could pass in 2019. People hope that new laws against distracted driving would curtail phone use and make the roads safer for all motorists.
You likely understand the dangers of driving while distracted. A person operating a vehicle who is also looking at his or her phone is much more likely to cause an accident. Phone use is the primary reason for distracted driving, and drivers often do things like read emails, send texts, check social media and even stream videos while driving. You may believe that Florida needs stricter penalties for drivers who endanger others with these behaviors.
Changes possible in 2019
Despite the number of distracted-related accidents, Florida lawmakers have not been able to pass laws that would possibly help with the problem. The most recent proposed measure made it through the House but failed in the Senate. The reason for this is because there were some who had the concern that the measure would potentially lead to law enforcement targeting minority drivers.
Some dedicated representatives are not giving up. Despite the latest failure in the state Senate, one representative has proposed a measure that is similar to the most recent one that did not pass. She was a cosigner on that one as well. Consider the following about the proposed bill:
- If passed, texting while driving would become a primary offense.
- Police would be able to pull drivers over if seen texting or talking on a hand-held device.
- Under the proposed law, drivers would still be able to use hands-free devices.
No matter what laws are in place, drivers are responsible for the choices they make while behind the wheel. If a people choose to drive recklessly or act negligently, they are liable for any damages they cause.
Your rights as a victim
If your injuries are the result of an accident caused by a distracted driver, you could have grounds to seek financial compensation through a civil claim. Through a personal injury claim, you may be able to recoup your losses associated with medical bills, property damage and other accident-related expenses.
After an accident, you will find it beneficial to take quick action to learn about your legal options and proceed with the appropriate course of action.