If you have been charged with driving under the influence in Florida, you may be facing an uncertain future as you await the news about what your consequences will be. Vowing now to change your life and to never drive drunk again is imperative to your ability to rebuild damaged relationships, rebuild trust and give yourself a winning shot at being able to live a productive and happy life in your future.
While the split-second decision to drive under the influence may not seem like much of an issue at first thought, think again. Your irrational decision instantly puts the lives of you, any passengers in your vehicle and everyone around you at extreme risk. In severe cases, you could end up badly injuring someone or worse, killing someone. If you have consumed any alcohol, it is imperative that you reach out to someone who is sober and request their assistance in getting home.
According to Drugabuse.com, your poor decision can ultimately affect your ability to maintain or find employment and result in personal embarrassment that could cause self-doubt. You will also have to deal with a criminal record that follows you and will take time to expunge. Other consequences may include fines, injuries, time behind bars and loss of your driving privileges. In most cases, your insurance premiums will skyrocket which means you will have to budget more for your car insurance.
The information in this article is intended for educational purposes only and should not be taken as legal advice.