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Naples, Florida

Alleged drug dealer convicted of murder

On Behalf of | Sep 24, 2017 | Drug Charges

For many people in Florida, when they think about the types of criminal charges that someone accused of selling drugs might face, murder may not generally be on the top of the list. Things like distributing illegal or controlled substances, illegal distribution of prescription drugs or even possession of drugs and drug paraphernalia may be more along the lines of the charges they may expect to hear a person is charged with.

However, in a recent case involving a man in Orlando, he faces a prison sentence for murder despite the fact that his role was focused on the sale of a drug. The defendant in this case actually pled guilty to two different charges. One involved the distribution of fentanyl that led to another person’s death and the other was for a conspiracy charge related to an intent to sell heroin. He is accused of falsely advertising heroin for sale but in fact selling heroin laced with fentanyl.

During a period of 10 months when the defendant was found to be selling the materials to undercover cops, he made a sale to a man from Georgia. That man, who was 27 years old, used the drugs and actually died. As such, the defendant who sold him the drugs has been sentenced to spend 20 years in federal prison. It is not known if an appeal in the case is planned.

Defendants who are accused of felonies with serious and long-term sentences may want to contact an attorney for help with a proper defense.

Source:, “Florida man sold drugs that killed a man. He’s going to prison,” Sarah Nealeigh, September 22, 2017

