Florida residents know all too well that there can be negligent drivers on the road at any time. However, they should also know that the law puts in place things that are designed to help them be safe and reduce their chances of being injured or killed by these negligent drivers and their poor decisions. Sadly in Florida this may not always be the case.
Currently there is a law in place mandating the use of seat belts for people riding in cars, trucks and other passenger vehicles. That law took an onerous 14 years of effort on the part of legislators to get in place. Today the dangers associated with distracted driving are taking center stage as some in the state legislature are working hard to change the state’s law on texting and driving. Specifically they want this action to be a primary offense and not a secondary offense as it is currently. This would bring Florida in line with virtually every other state in the nation and make safety a priority.
Many people remain staunchly opposed to the change. They cite concerns over potential abuse by law enforcement and suggest that police may use the law as a green light to unfairly target certain residents, especially those of minority origin. Where the battle over this law will net out remains to be seen.
In the meantime, citizens in Florida should know that it is always their right to seek the help of an attorney after an accident caused by the reckless or negligent actions of someone else.
Source: Sun-Sentinel, “Unlike other states, Florida goes easy on texting while driving. Here’s why.” Lisa Huriash, August 4, 2017