Sometimes it can be all too easy for people in Florida to think that law enforcement officials or even politicians seem to act as though they are above the law themselves. However, that is not true as even a police officer or other pubic official can be charged with a criminal offense.
An example of this can be seen in a case involving a man who had previously served as a sheriff in Putnam. On a Monday night, officers are said to have been called to a scene where the former sheriff and his girlfriend were. A dispute between the couple was apparently the issue. Reports suggest that the former sheriff was noticed to have been under the influence of alcohol at that time but since he left the area on foot, no further action was taken at that point.
Subsequently a call was made to law enforcement saying that the man who originally walked away had gotten in a vehicle and was driving. After being located, he was asked to submit to both field sobriety tests and eventually a breath test. He completed the former and is said to have failed those. He refused the breath test and was then arrested and charged with a misdemeanor drunk driving offense.
When facing a drunk driving charge whether for a first or subsequent time, people in Floriday may want to talk to an attorney to understand the potential ramifications of the charge and learn how to best defend themselves.
Source: First Coast News, “Former Putnam Sheriff Jeff Hardy arrested on DUI charges,” July 28, 2017