One of the many things that you might be concerned with in the event that you are ever charged with a drunk driving offense is losing your driving privileges for some period of time. Depending upon the nature of your situation, this may happen but the use of an ignition interlock device may make it possible for you to start driving again sooner than you could if you did not use an IID. Understanding how an ignition interlock device works is important for you in this situation.
Basically an IID is a device that is able to maintain a lock on the ignition of your vehicle. You will not be allowed to start your car until you have passed a breath test. There will be a handheld breath test unit connected to your car for you to use. If you do not pass the test, you will not be allowed to start your vehicle. Assuming you do pass an initial test, your ignition will be unlocked and you can start it.
Once you are on the road you may be prompted to take subsequent breath tests. These can be done while you are still driving and the IID cannot stop your vehicle. If you pass one of these rolling retests, you may find your car horn starts honking and the lights start flashing until you stop and turn the engine off.
If you would like to learn more about the different penalties associated with a drunk driving conviction and how they may impact your daily life, please feel free to visit the ignition interlock device page of our Florida drunk driving website.