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Man accused of PCP crimes near school, library

On Behalf of | May 1, 2017 | Drug Charges

New Jersey residents who have been arrested for multiple crimes can sometimes start to lose hope that they may be able to defend themselves against any charge levied against them. In some cases, this may even contribute to a negative spiral for some defendants. At this time, remembering that every person is legally considered innocent until proven guilty and that every defendant is owed a defense is highly important.

One man who is from Jersey City may well today be needing to remind himself of these facts after he was recently arrested and charged with multiple drug crimes involving the drug phencyclidine. The defendant is accused of not simply possessing PCP but also of possessing PCP with the intent to distribute the drug within 500 feet of a public library and within 1,000 feet of a school.

For this arrest, prosecutors are seeking to keep the man in jail while the case is handled as this incident comes on the heels of prior arrests. He already has a pending court date in early June when he is supposed to be sentenced for three separate other arrests.

When faced with these serious and confusing situations, New Jersey defendants may find it helpful to talk with an attorney who is experienced in working through complex criminal defense situations. This may offer good insight into how best to approach a potential defense and help people make the right choices along the way.

Source:, “New drug charges for Jersey City man with June 1 sentenceing date for three other crimes” Michaelangelo Conte, April 26, 2017

